Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 4: Freeway Views and Vacant Pews

The show at The Blue Mermaid was a healthy change from what we are used to doing. We decided to go acoustic. Doing an entire show in this fashion was not only fun, but really helped us examine the songs for what they truly are under a different light. It was a great experience, and we will do it again. Hell, we even did an Elvis cover. Our friends Geoff and Angelina came from Portland for the show, and we had a blast hanging out with them.

This picture below was taken by Jim Lockridge. We ran into Jim and his family in Portsmouth, NH. What a great surprise.

The van is still humming just in the key it should and the new trailer panels we installed before the tour are holding fast.
 The Bukowski continues.

We are off to New York City for a show at Pianos on Tuesday night. We always look forward to going back to Pianos. We will have the opportunity to get more chickens for the van in Chinatown, and hit the tattoo supply store. We also discussed going to Atlantic City to wager all of our earnings thus far. We will keep you posted on the outcome, but we know we can at least double it. See you all soon.


Waylon Speed

1 comment:

  1. Is the key E minor? That sad and blue isn't it? Good luck finding the new ride. BTW bet it all on 00...36 to 1 on your money. Think of the riches and fame. Safe travels. See you all soon.

